My Bag

Grounded but Elevated: Juggling with Infinity Juggling Balls in CHÃO

Vašek Peca
Vašek Peca
November 14, 2024

The following is a letter written by Uatumã Fattori de Azevedo, one of the members of the Portuguese juggling collective CHÃO. We decided to publish it on our blog because it might be useful and relatable for jugglers considering buying Infinity juggling balls.

Since I started practicing juggling, I have been on a quest to find the juggling balls that I feel most connected to. For several years now, I have chosen to use beanbag balls as my main juggling props, and since then, I have tested various brands available in the market. Just like Vašek, in my search for the perfect ball, I have tried multiple times to make my own. This endeavor was relatively successful, considering my inexperience with sewing, but my homemade balls never came close to the performance of a professional ball, especially regarding durability and roundness.

Key Qualities I look for in a Juggling Ball

Finding a good beanbag ball wasn’t easy, as the classification of “good” depends on several factors. In my opinion, and based on what I seek, hope for, and need, the main factors are: how round the ball is, its stability, grip, and material durability. I enjoy beanbags for their softness, as they mold to the touch and facilitate certain tricks I identify with. However, I also require a ball that is minimally round and maintains that shape, so that tricks involving rolling aren’t hindered. The grip of the material is also essential, as it shouldn’t be slippery when coming into contact with skin and different types of clothing, which can make controlling the props difficult.

It really wasn't easy to find all these characteristics in a beanbag, but I believe that after 12 years of juggling, I have finally found the ideal balls. I have been working on a juggling project where we prioritize the relationship between the balls and the ground in our creative process. For this project, we need to use many beanbags on stage, which is why we had to acquire new balls. In this process, we sought a ball that had all the previously mentioned characteristics, and we chose the Infinities from Jugglequip.

The Customization Aspect of Infinities

One of the main factors that motivated us to purchase the Infinities was the possibility of customizing our balls. Since we need the balls to behave in very specific ways for our project, the brand's customization options were incredibly helpful in finding the ideal shape. This choice was made easier because we had the opportunity to visit the Jugglequip booth at the EJC (European Juggling Convention), where they showcased practically all the sizes and weights of balls available, allowing us to experiment and discover which options were best for our project. Similarly, the ability to choose from a wide range of colors was essential for our decision, as we needed that variety on stage.

Using the Infinities has been a very satisfying experience; the balls improve as they "break in" and become increasingly round. It’s also great that what we’ve always heard about the brand is true: the balls are incredibly durable, and even when we "mistreat" them (lol), they still look almost new. It was impressive to meet people at the EJC who have been using Infinities for at least three years, and their balls are practically intact, with no cracks in the fabric. I have bought beanbags from various brands, and I have never found balls that come close to this level of durability.

This has been a report of my recent experience with Infinities, and I would like to say that I now have new favorite balls.

Uatumã Fattori de Azevedo.

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